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[Windows] Editor Does Not Account For Non-Standard Windows Taskbar
Reproduction steps:
1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene"
2. In Hierarchy window, select "Test" GameObject
3. In Inspector window, scroll down until one of the BoxColliders' Material field is right by the taskbar
4. Unlock the taskbar and expand it upwards
5. In Inspector window, open and observe the Material's selection Menu
Expected result: The menu does not overlap with the taskbar
Actual result: The menu overlaps with the taskbar
Reproducible with: 2018.4.29f1, 2019.4.14f1, 2020.1.13f1, 2020.2.0b11, 2021.1.0a5
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Resolution Note (2021.1.X):
Resizing the taskbar while Unity is running can cause some popup windows to overlap underneath the taskbar. Restarting Unity is a viable workaround.