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Fixed in 4.6.1



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When creating and deleting sprites in Sprite Editor - it is easy to get same names of sprites



When creating and deleting sprites in Sprite Editor - it is easy to have same names of sprites

2) How can we reproduce it using the example you attached

See attached video

1 Create new project or use attached
2 Import some image
3 Make it Sprite (set Texture Type to Sprite) in Inspector
4 Set Sprite mode to Multiple
5 Open Sprite Editor
6 Create 2 sprites by hands - notice that names are someName_0 and someName_1
7 Delete first sprite (with name someName_0)
8 Create new sprite - notice that its name is someName_1 too
Actual result: now we have 2 sprites with the same name someName_1
Expected result: the names should be unique

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