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CPU usage is increased when the Editor is idle with the ProBuilder Package installed



How to reproduce:
1. Create and open a new project
2. Open the Task Manager on Windows
3. Leave the Editor on idle for a few minutes until the CPU usage stabilizes
4. Observe the Editor CPU usage in the Task Manager
5. Install the Pro Builder Package in the Package Manager
6. Leave the Editor on idle for a few minutes until the CPU usage stabilizes
7. Observe the Editor CPU usage in the Task Manager

Expected results: The CPU usage stays around the same before and after installing the ProBuilder Package
Actual results: The CPU usage increases when the ProBuilder Package is installed

Reproducible in: 6000.0.20f1, 6000.0.21f1
Not reproducible in: 2021.3.44f1, 2022.3.48f1, 6000.0.19f1

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

- The performance depends on the strength of the CPU
- While reproducing locally, the Editor usage with no ProBuilder idled at 0%, while with ProBuilder the usage fluctuated between 3-9%
- The regression is among the Editor versions, not the Package versions

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