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VSync doesn't take effect when enabling it through Quality settings



Reproduction steps:

# Create project
# Go to “Project Settings > Quality”
# Change VSync Count to “Every Second V Blank”
# Enter the Play Mode
# Open “Game View > Stats”
# Observe the Frame rate

Expected result: Frame rate is capped at 30 FPS
Actual result: Frame rate is uncapped

Reproducible with: 2020.3.41f1, 2021.3.13f1, 2022.1.22f1, 2022.2.0b15, 2023.1.0a18

Reproducible on: Windows 11

Comments (2)

  1. tamana

    Feb 06, 2023 03:05

    I am confused as to why the Unity team marked this issue as a duplicate. The issue they marked as a duplicate only occurs during runtime, but this issue occurs only in the Editor. The duplicate issue was reported as fixed in 2023.1.0b2, but after checking, I discovered that it was only fixed during runtime and the fps is still capped at the monitor refresh rate if I have "VSync" enabled in the Editor. Can you please reopen this issue?

  2. tamana

    Nov 25, 2022 07:08

    Yes, I can enable VSync on Game View's toolbar. But it only limit the frame rates to monitor refresh rate. If I'm using 360 FPS gaming monitor, the fps will still goes beyond 60.

    What I'm reporting was definitely bug.
    Like, what you're saying is "Every Second V Blank still present on the editor, but it doesn't do anything. Please use the other one instead."
    And the other one is not what I was looking for. Could you elaborate, please?

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