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Fixed in 5.6.0



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[VR] Camera's FOV does not set properly in VR mode if user changes the field of view manually



Steps to reproduce:
1. Download and open attached project
2. Open scene "main"
3. Makes sure VR mode is on in Player Settings
4. Notice that both cameras in hierarchy have FOV of 60
5. Play scene
6. Press enter to start VR mode
7. Press 'B' to change FOV to 60 (same value)

Actual result: View zooms in (both HMD and Game View)
Expected result: No changes in FOV, because the value is the same

Tested and reproduced on:
Windows 10
Unity 5.3.5p7, 5.4.0b25, 5.5.0a3
Oculus CV1

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