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[XR][Android] Directional Light shadows don't appear in the right eye view with Single Pass rendering



Device: Pixel 2
SDK: Cardboard
Rendering: Single Pass

Shadows cast by directional light don't render at all in the right eye when the rendering is set to Single Pass. Occurs with both baked and realtime lighting

Steps to repro:
1) Build the attached project with the settings specified above (or create a new scene with a directional light)
2) Run on Android
3) Observe that the shadows do not appear in the right eye

  1. Resolution Note:

    Unity's support for Cardboard has been deprecated in our 2019.3 release and will be removed in a future release. As such, we're deprioritizing our support of Cardboard, and won't be actively fixing issues related to the platform.

    This issue is being marked as Won't Fix. If that resolution isn't appropriate, please reopen the issue and let us know the issue's impact for you.

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