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Fixed in 2018.1.X

Fixed in 2017.1.X



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[VideoPlayer][Android] Screen tearing and black visual artifacts when playing video on devices with Vivante GC1000 GPU



To reproduce:

1. Download and open attached "Case 140961 - Video" project.
2. Build and run it on an Android device with Vivante GC1000 GPU.
3. When app loads up, screen tearing can be seen.
4. If that does not happen, try docking and undocking the application on the device a few times.
5. Notice that after the application is undocked screen tears for half a second and video continues to play fine.

Expected result: Video plays smoothly, without interruptions or image tearing.
Actual result: Video stutters when playing, image tearing happens when undocking the application.

Reproduced with: 5.6.2p4, 2017.1.0p4, 2017.1.1p3
Not-reproduced with: 2017.2.0f1, 2017.3.0b1 (although video was stalling/pausing constantly in both of these, which may have stopped the repro)

Devices under test:

Reproduced with:
Samsung GT I8200N*, OS:4.2.2, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Vivante GC1000,

Not reproduced with:
Samsung SM G800F (Galaxy S5 Mini)*, OS:6.0.1, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Mali-400 MP, Build:samsung/kminiltexx/kminilte:6.0.1/MMB29K/G800FXXU1CQA1:user/release-keys

Lge LG D855 (G3)*, OS:5.0, CPU:armeabi-v7a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 330,

Notes: Video attached showing how to reproduce the issue. Playback of the video was lagging heavily on 2017.2.0f1 and 2017.3.0b1, what did not happen on earlier versions.

Comments (1)

  1. Shirzad

    May 02, 2018 10:02

    same problem on S8 and unity 2017.4

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