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[VFX Window] Layout update is struggling to process current layout error

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Repro steps:
1. Create a new VFX asset
2. Add a Position (Sphere) block in Initialize
3. Under Arc (Angle), enter the following value: 5.068461

Result: The following error starts spamming the console:
Layout update is struggling to process current layout (consider simplifying to avoid recursive layout): VisualElement unity-panel-container7 (x:0.00, y:0.00, width:1312.00, height:880.00) world rect: (x:0.00, y:0.00, width:1312.00, height:880.00)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

- Have noticed the same error with larger graphs without adding/changing values, so this might be just one manifestation of a larger issue.
- Happens with most/all Arc (Angle) sliders. Does not reproduce with the ArcShape operator-equivalent.
- Regression, does not repro on 6.9.1 or 7.2.0

  1. Resolution Note:

    Haven't seen this for a few months, looks fine in 7.4.0 and later 8.x / 9.x packages.

Comments (3)

  1. unity_q7DClpA5dzbzxA

    Aug 16, 2022 16:02

    I'm seeing this in 2020.3.35f1

  2. CorstiaanMediamonks

    Nov 12, 2021 13:14

    Issue still exists in Unity 2021.2.1f1, VFX 12.1.0
    screen capture of issue:

  3. Dnasseri

    Nov 06, 2020 22:44

    This issue still plagues me. Unity 2020.1.12f1. VFX Graph 8.2.0. I've tried on two different systems. If you'd like I can upload a project with which you can reproduce.

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