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[VFX Graph] Error i->previewArtifactID == found->second.previewArtifactID' is thrown when assigning SG to VFX for the first time

Visual Effects


How to reproduce:
0. Note: Reproduced using URP, reproduces only when creating and saving SG for the first time
1. Create VFX Graph
2. Create SG
3. In Graph Inspector, check Support VFX Graph' flag
4. Save SG
5. Assign it to the VFX

Actual result: Assertion failed on expression: 'i->previewArtifactID == found->second.previewArtifactID'UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) is thrown to the console

Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a4 (14.0.1)

Comments (3)

  1. onuruca_unity

    Sep 05, 2023 14:54

    For those, having problems rendering and modifying sbsar materials in unity and got this error; you can the "Texture compression format" to ETC

  2. onuruca_unity

    Sep 05, 2023 10:51

    Any updates for the issue?I am really struggling with this one :(

  3. KingfisherWyvernStudio

    Aug 25, 2022 14:00

    I have the same issue when importing a Substance graph (SBSAR file). Is there still no solution for this?

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