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Fixed in 7.1.3



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[VFX] Converting to subgraph and overwritting the same subgraph causes StackOverflow followed by crash

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Steps to reproduced:
1. Create a new project with VFX graph included
2. Create a graph
3. Convert system to subgraph and add additional Start event to it
4. Convert the subgraph with the start event to subgraph overwriting the existing subgraph

Expected result: User should not be allowed to overwrite the existing used graph
Actual result: Graph is overwritten resulting in the editor crashing

Reproduced in: 2020.1.0a5, 2019.3.0b5
No repro in: 2019.2.1f1

Packages reproduced in: 7.1.1
Packages not reproduced in: 6.9.1

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