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Fixed in 8.1.0



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[URP] Some tests fail due to Destroy being called at the wrong time

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


In IL2CPP, effects that rely on TextureCurve.Finalize in Universal Render Pipeline throw errors due to Destroy being called at the wrong time.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Clone the SRP repo:
2. Open the project in TestProjects/UniversalGraphicsTest
3. Open Build Settings and disable all scenes except for 081_GradingColorCurvesLDR and 083_GradingLiftGammaGainLDR (these are the minimum required, but all scenes between 076-093 can trigger this failure)
4. Open Player Settings and change Scripting Backend to IL2CPP
5. Go to Window > General > Test Runner
6. Press "Play Mode" and then "Run all in player"
7. Wait for the build to complete, run on target, and then fail with the following error:

UnityException: Destroy can only be called from the main thread.
Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a scene.
Don't use this function in the constructor or field initializers, instead move initialization code to the Awake or Start function.
at UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureCurve.Finalize () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler:Invoke(Object, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)

Reproducible in versions 2020.1.0a18, 2020.1.0a22.

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