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[URP] Scene is black after baking GI with gameobjects having Terrain Lit materials in Subtractive mode

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


Steps to repro:
1. Create the new URP project and extract the attached package into it;
2. Open 't5SimpleLitShaderBake' scene;
3. In the Lighting window press the dropdown list button near the Generate Lighting text and select 'Clear Baked Data';
4. Observe that the scene is lit (see attached screenhsot);
5. In the Lighting team press 'Generate Lighting' button;
6. Wait until the GI bakes;
7. Observe the scene.

Expected result:
Scene is lit by the baked lights.

Actual result:
Scene is black. See attached screenshot.

- Reproducible in Version 2020.2.0b3 (URP 10.1.0-preview26), 2020.1.6f1 (URP 8.2.0), 2019.4.10f1(URP 7.3.1)
- Reproducible for GPU, CPU Lightmappers and Enlighten baking backends;
- Not reproducible when baking terrain gameobjects, reproducible only when terrain lit shaders are on the non-terrain gameobject
- Not reproducible in Built-in RP when using standard Terrain shaders on non-terrain gameobjects;
- Baking in Shadowmask mode also exposes artifacts in URP, that don't happen in built-in RP as well.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is an edge case and we won't fix. Don't use terrain lit on non-terrain objects.

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