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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 2023.2.X



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Issue ID




URP Enums are not generated correctly when compared with ShaderGraphs Enums



Reproduction Steps:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. Create a new Material utilizing the URP/Lit Shader
3. With the material selected, navigate to the Inspector Window and click on the "Edit" button
4. In your IDE, Enter "SHADOWS_SOFT" in the search field
5. Carefully examine the prefix associated with the keyword.

Expected result: There should be a single underscore at the beginning of the keywords as shown
(#pragma multi_compile _SHADOWS_SOFT _SHADOWS_SOFT)
Actual result: There are two underscores at the beginning of the keywords
( #pragma multi_compile_fragment _ _SHADOWS_SOFT _SHADOWS_SOFT)

Reproducible with: 12.1.14 (2021.3.36f1), 14.0.10 (2022.3.22f1), 16.0.5 (2023.2.16f1), 17.0.2 (6000.0.0b13)

Testing environment: Windows 11 23H2 (22631.3007), Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit (user’s)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Notes: For comparison purposes, you can view the generated shader code by opening the "ShadowReceiverDirectionalAndAdditional" shader graph located in the Project at {{{}Assets/DevDunkStudio/ShadowReceiverURP/Shaders/MainAndAdditionalLights/ShadowReceiverDirectionalAndAdditional.shadergraph{}}}.

  1. Resolution Note:

    You can read about the purpose of the underscore here:

    If you find that the behavior of your shaders is not as expected, please open a new issue that details how the this impacts your expected or desired outcomes.

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