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1.5.0, 2.1.0, 3.0.0

Issue ID




Upgrading Text Mesh Pro package version causes Text to wrap differently

Package: TextMeshPro


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached "" Unity project on Unity 2018.4
2. Open "01_Opening_Intro" scene
3. Observe "Intro Text" object in Scene View (text is 19 lines long)
4. Upgrade Text Mesh Pro package version to 1.5.0+ or reopen the project on Unity 2019.3+ versions
3. Observe "Intro Text" object in Scene View (text is 21 lines long)

Expected results: Text is unchanged
Actual results: Text wraps to more lines

Reproduced on: 2018.4.21f1, 2019.3.10f1, 2020.1.0b6, 2020.2.0a7

  1. Resolution Note:

    In Preview 1 of the latest series of the TMP package which is version 1.5.x for Unity 2018.4, version 2.1.x for Unity 2019.x and 3.0.x for Unity 2020.x, the following change was introduced.

    - Revised Character, Word, Line and Paragraph spacing adjustments to be in font units (em) where a value of 1 represents 1/100 em.

    This change affects all spacing adjustments including the Bold Spacing defined in the Font Asset as seen below

    The reason for this change was the incorrect and inconsistent application of these values where in previous versions they did not properly scale or respect the em scale of the object. The spacing behavior was also inconsistent between the normal TMP component and UI TMP component.

    The new values represent 1/100 em where if the point size of the text was 100 and the value was 10 or 10 / 100 or 1/10th of the point size which in this case would increase the spacing by exactly 10 pixels. (edited)

    This new behavior is consistent between the latest releases of the TMP package which is Preview 8 right now. Preview 9 is on the way.

    To compensation for the different in layout which is caused by the use of Bold which add Bold Spacing, you can reduce the value of 7 to a small value if you need to match the behavior / spacing with the previous version 1.4.x of TMP.

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