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Fixed in 2022.3.3f1, 2023.1.1f1, 2023.2.0a11



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Issue ID




UniversalGraphicsTest_Lighting test ‘153_Lighting_EnlightenTerrain’ followed by any additional tests


To reproduce:
# Open the project ‘UniversalGraphicsTest_Lighting’’ (unity\Tests\SRPTests\Projects\UniversalGraphicsTest_Lighting)
# Change the graphics API for Windows to DX12 and make sure to use native graphics jobs (commandline: -force-gfx-jobs native)
# Enable async shader compilation (Edit > Project Settings > Editor)
# Open the Test Runner window (Window > General > Test Runner)
# Switch to the ‘PlayMode’ tab at the top of the Test Runner window
# Shift-select all tests from ‘153_Lighting_EnlightenTerrain’ to ‘221_ShadowMask_ShaderGraph’ (they are at the very bottom of the list)
# Press ‘Run Selected’ at the top of the Test Runner window

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.2.0a11):

    DX12: Fixed a crash caused by too early deletion of textures in some rare cases.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.1.1f1):

    DX12: Fixes a crash caused by too early release of a texture.

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.3.3f1):

    DX12: Fixes a crash caused by too early release of a texture.

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