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Unity crashed after creating new project with organization selected on login screen



- Go to your UDN account and create an Organization
- Open an existing Unity project
- Go to File -> Create new project
- On the New Project screen you will see an Organization dropdown
- Select your newly created organization (though this step is not necessary) and create a new project

Looks like the crash is pretty random, so following the exact steps above might not help you reproduce it. However the crash has a pretty nice stacktrace which should help track this issue and even attempt a blind fix:
0000000140BB4814 (Unity) WebViewWindowPrivate::CloseAllBrowsers
0000000140DB7DF8 (Unity) WebViewWindow::~WebViewWindow
0000000140C243F4 (Unity) HomeWindow::`scalar deleting destructor'
0000000140C2449E (Unity) HomeWindow::Show
0000000140E2A4AC (Unity) ExecuteStandardMenuItem
0000000140E2AD0D (Unity) ExecuteMenuItemWithID
0000000140E3956E (Unity) ProcessMainWindowMessages
0000000140E206B7 (Unity) ContainerWindow::ContainerWndProc
00000000770F9BD1 (USER32) TranslateMessageEx
00000000770F98DA (USER32) TranslateMessage
0000000140E3A69E (Unity) RelaunchUnity
0000000140E3BD3B (Unity) WinMain
00000001414CBEB0 (Unity) strerror_s
0000000076E859ED (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
000000007757C541 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

Unity crashes.

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