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Unit field is positioned incorrectly when moving the Unit and then deleting a connected Unit

Package: Visual Scripting


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "case-1356040" project
2. In the Project window, open the "MyScriptGraph" Script Graph Asset
3. Connect the Multiply Unit output to any of the Transform Rotate Unit input
4. Move the Transform Rotate Unit
5. Delete the Multiply Unit

Expected result: The Transform Rotate Unit fields are correctly positioned inside the Transform Rotate Unit
Actual result: The Transform Rotate Unit fields that were connected with the Multiply Unit are positioned incorrectly

Reproducible with: 1.7.3 (2021.1.17f1, 2021.2.0b7, 2022.1.0a5)
Could not test with: 2020.3.16f1 and below (Visual Scripting package not supported)

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