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Undo.RecordObjects does not record the X or Z positions of transforms



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene test.unity
3. Open the Physics Simulation window
4. Click "Collect Rigidbodies" in that window
5. Check the Continuous Simulation checkbox (if it's not checked)
6. Click Simulate, then stop it after a couple of seconds
7. Undo the action
- Note that all the spheres go back up to their original Y positions, but they don't go back to their original X and Z positions

- Reproduced with 2017.1.0f2 (66e9e4bfc850), 2017.2.0a4 (fefbe8dde68f)

- Physics.Simulate() not available before 2017.1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Will not fix as the team will focus on higher impact issues.

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