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Fixed in 1.18.2



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




UnauthorizedAccessException is thrown when trying to build Addressables and using Perforce

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


Reproduction steps:
1. Download and extract the project in ""
2. Download P4V client from
3. Launch P4V client, switch to Remote Server tab
4. Create a new User
5. Create a new Workspace and set the UnityBugHunt project root as the location
6. In the server Field enter "localhost:1666"
7. Click ok
8. Open the UnityBugHunt project using Unity editor
9. Go Edit -> Project Settings -> Version Control
10. Set mode to Perforce
11. Enter Username, Password, Workspace that you created in P4V client
12. Set server to "localhost:1666"
13. Click on Connect
14. Submit Addressables_content_state in root/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/Windows
15. Go To Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Groups
16. Build the Addressables

Expected result: Addressables builds with no issues as Unity checks out Addressables_content_state
Actual result: This error pops up: UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "D:\\PerforceWorkspace\\case_1316556-UnityBugHunt/Library/com.unity.addressables/Windows/addressables_content_state.bin" or "Assets\\AddressableAssetsData\\Windows\\addressables_content_state.bin" is denied.

Reproducible with: 1.15.1 - 1.18.4 (2019.4.27f1, 2020.3.7f1, 2021.1.9f1, 2021.2.0a17)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.18.2):

    Exception is now caught, and user should expect to see this error message logged: "Cannot access the file {content_state.bin path}. It may be locked by version control".

    Then the user will need to manually checkout/unlock the file in version control.

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