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Under Consideration for 2.5.X



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Issue ID




Unable to press buttons with XR Poke Interactor when a sub canvas is blocking them

Package: XR Interaction Toolkit


Reproduction steps:

1. Open the attached project ""
2. Open Assets > “UI tests” scene
3. In the Hierarchy enable “Canvas” > “Canvas Inherit”
4. Enter Play mode
5. In the Hierarchy select “Poke Interactor”
6. In the Scene view use the “Poke Interactor” to press the buttons

Expected result: “Button Inherit Canvas” can be pressed
Actual result: “Button Inherit Canvas” can’t be pressed

Reproduced with: 2021.3.32f1, 2022.3.14f1, 2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.1f1, 2023.3.0a15

Reproducible on: Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Notes: It is possible to press buttons using the mouse

Comments (7)

  1. ruben-ivre

    Jun 25, 2024 13:04

    We (myself and the company I work for, Engage) found a potential fix for this, by making some changes to TrackedDeviceGraphicRaycaster.s_InteractorRaycasters, converting it into a HashSet instead of a single reference to a raycaster. So far the results has been good, but not sure if this could have other side effects, so take it under your own responsibility.

  2. rgarand64

    Jan 20, 2024 00:19

    As of version 2021.3.24f1, XRIT 2.3.2: UI poking stops working randomly when two active canvas are too close.

  3. PaoloPV

    Jan 04, 2024 16:58

    One of the interactions that Apple is going to introduce to Apple Vision Pro is being able to interact with your fingers like Poking. It's really a shame that we wont be able to have this on other devices alongside because of this bug, please fix it....please....

  4. djrodriguez

    Jan 04, 2024 13:12

    I need this. Can't poke.

  5. ericprovencher

    Jan 03, 2024 22:51

    Thanks for all the concern. It’s on our radar, unfortunately still no eta for the fix however.

  6. davegreco

    Jan 03, 2024 22:33

    Well, it's that time of the year again. You know, moment where you're so close to launching a new feature only to realize that there is a bug in unity preventing you from doing what you need to or preventing it from working everywhere. (Cross-platform who?) ...oh shoot it's only January 3rd...well if we're lucky it will be fixed in the next release, or before the end of the new year, or maybe never... 🥹 here's to dreaming 🤞

  7. trevor-hzd

    Jan 03, 2024 22:27

    It would be very helpful if you could fix this!

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