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"Unable to load the icon: sv_icon_dot11_pix16_gizmo." errors spam console when clicked on gizmo on GameObject
Regression from Version 5.4.0b5 (60658ab74c44)
1. Create a project
2. Create a GameObject
3. Click on "Cube" gizmo near to the name of this object in Inspector
16 errors appear in the console
"Unable to load the icon: 'sv_icon_dot0_pix16_gizmo'.
Note that either full project path should be used (with extension) or just the icon name if the icon is located in the following"
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Dec 11, 2016 15:28
Same here. When I have a custom SceneView window docked when I launch Unity it presents the error.
May 16, 2016 01:09
I've been having this exact problem every time I open the gizmo for the first time after I start an instance of unity.