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Issue ID




Unable to Create Material Preset of the Default-Material assigned to the primitive GameObject

Inspector Framework


Unable to Create Material Preset of the Default-Material assigned to the primitive GameObject like Cube, Sphere etc

Steps to Repro:

1. Create a new Project
2. Create Hierarchy > right-click > Cube
3. Select Cube > Inspector > Default-Material (Material) > Burger Button > Create Material Preset

Expected Result:
Material Preset created

Actual Result:
"Couldn't create asset file!" exception is thrown

Reproducible on: 2020.2.0a10, 2020.1.0b7, 2019.3.10f1, 2019.2.12f1, 2019.1.14f1, 2018.4.22f1

Environment: Windows 10 and Mac 10.14

Stack Trace:
Couldn't create asset file!
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
TMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_ContextMenus:DuplicateMaterial (UnityEditor.MenuCommand) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.0-preview.1/Scripts/Editor/TMPro_ContextMenus.cs:61)

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    Create material Preset is meant to work with materials used in the TMP package and not supported for generic materials. Moreover the default materials do not reside in the project folder and cannot be duplicated. In the future update of TMP the issue would be fixed and a warning would be thrown to the user saying the it is not supported to create a preset of materials that are not in the project

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