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Fixed in 7.5.1



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Issue ID




Unable to change the color of "Lift", "Gamma" and "Gain" under "Lift Gamma Gain" option in Post-Processing

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached project ""
2. Open "SampleScene"
3. Select "PostProcess_Volume" in the Hierarchy
4. In the Inspector try to change the color of "Lift", "Gamma" and "Gain" under "Lift Gamma Gain" option

Expected results: Colour changes
Actual results: Colour does not change

Reproducible with: 2019.4.6f1(7.4.1), 2020.1.1f1(8.1.0), 2020.2.0a20(8.1.0)
Unable to test in: 2018.4.26f1 due to project breaking

Note: The user mentioned that this issue started occurring when the project was updated from LWRP to URP. A video is attached below

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 7.5.1):

    Fixed in URP 7.5.1 (available in the package manager).

Comments (1)

  1. HoneyTribe

    Sep 17, 2020 11:15

    I have the same issue using URP in 2019.4.9 and 2019.4.10
    The project was created as a URP project

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