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Fixed in 1.0.0-preview.15



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[UI Toolkit] OnPointerEnter and OnPointerExit is called every frame the mouse moves above the UI element area

Package: UI Toolkit


Reproduction steps:
1. Open project in "Swappy"
2. Open Console window
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Click on the settings icon on the top right of the Play Mode window (Note 1)
5. Move your mouse cursor above "Reset Progress" button

Expected result: OnPointerEnter and OnPointer exit are called once upon the mouse cursor entering or leaving the area of the UI element
Actual result: OnPointerEnter and OnPointer exit are called very frame when the mouse cursor is moving above the area of the UI element

Reproducible with: 1.0.0-preview.13 (2020.2.1f1), 1.0.0-preview.14 (2020.2.3f1, 2021.1.0b6) (Note 2)
Could not test with:
2018.4.31f1, 2019.4.20f1 because of invalid package dependencies (UIElements Native was missing and I was not sure how to import it back)
2021.2.0a4 because of missing namespaces (I could not resolve this in package manager)

1. Sometimes the UI does not respond to clicks. Reloading the scene usually helps
2. A video is attached 2021-02-11 12-19-31.mp4 (383.8 KB)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Fixed in 2021.2.1f1

Comments (3)

  1. dohyung97022

    Dec 02, 2024 06:22

    Bug still happens on Unity 2021.3.41f1

  2. om2021

    Apr 04, 2023 21:11

    But also repeats in Unity2021.3.22f1

  3. manuelgoellnitz

    Aug 26, 2021 08:29

    Bug reapears in Unity 2021.2.0.b8

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