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UI is still visible in the Game view during runtime when Camera's Render Type is set to Overlay

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Core


UI is still visible in the Game view during runtime when Camera Component's Render Type is set to Overlay and Canvas Group's Alpha value is animated from 1 to 0 on scene change

How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "Fading" project
2. Open the "Base" Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Observe the Game view

Expected result: "This is Scene 2" text is not visible when Canvas Group's Alpha value is animated to 0
Actual result: "This is Scene 2" text is visible when Canvas Group's Alpha value is animated to 0

Reproducible with: 7.2.0 (2019.3.0f6), 7.3.1 (2019.4.8f1), 8.2.0 (2020.1.2f1), 10.0.0-preview.26 (2020.2.0a20)
Not reproducible with: 4.10.0-preview (2018.4.26f1), 7.1.8 (2019.3.0f6)

- The issue is not reproducible with the built-in RP
- The issue is not reproducible with HDRP
- The "Panel" GameObject is not visible in the Scene view, only in the Game view
- If the Canvas Group Component's Alpha value is changed in the Edit Mode manually to 0, the "Panel" GameObject is not visible in the Game view
- If the "Main Camera" GameObject's Camera Component's Render Type is set to "Base", the issue is not reproducible

  1. Resolution Note:

    It has the same behavior as for the built-in except for the "No cameras rendering" which si set for future implementation.

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