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UI does not render correctly when switching between scenes with different UI setups



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “IN-80875” Project
2. Open the “Main Menu” scene and enter Play mode
3. From the Main Menu, select the “Start Game” button
4. After the intro plays, navigate to any of the Levels inside the “Overworld” Scene
5. Observe the “Crosshair” and “Stanima Bar” (misspelled in the Hierarchy) UI inside the selected level
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to observe the change occur between different iterations

Expected result: UI behaves normally between each scene
Actual result: UI inside the Level scenes gets distorted in a different way each time the game is replayed from the “Main Menu” Scene

Reproducible in: 2021.3.41f1, 2022.3.39f1, 6000.0.12f1

Reproducible on: Windows 10, Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

Notes: Also reproducible in Player

  1. Resolution Note:

    For this specific case you can prevent this issue from occurring all-together by changing the Import Settings of an affected Sprite from Mesh Type "Tight" to "Full Rect", as the auto mesh generation is a generic approach to generate mesh for Sprites, which can result in certain Sprites getting deformed.
    In the case of Sprite edges being affected, it is recommend to use the custom outline module in Sprite Editor to fix this issue.
    Duplicate of

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