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UI Builder Style settings are not applied to Elements when the Theme is set to Runtime with imported UIElements Runtime package

Package: UI Builder


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Import the UI Builder from the Package Manager
3. Import the UIElements Runtime package (add "com.unity.ui.runtime": "0.0.4-preview" in manifest.json)
4. Open the UI Builder window (Window -> UI -> UI Builder)
5. Make sure the UI Builder Theme is set to any of these: Default, Dark, Light
6. In the UI Builder Hierarchy add a Button Element
7. Create a new USS file
8. In the newly created USS file create a new USS selector: '.unity-button'
9. Save the UXML file and select the newly appeared selector
10. Change any Style setting (for example, Text -> Color)
11. Change the UI Builder Theme to Runtime

Expected result: the new Style settings (different Text Color) applies to the button in all of the Themes
Actual result: the Style settings do not apply in Runtime Theme

Reproducible with: 0.8.2-prevew (2019.3.15f1), 0.11.2-preview (2019.3.15f1, 2020.1.0b10, 2020.2.0a12)
Could not test with: 0.8.1-preview and below (2019.3.15f1) (Runtime Theme not introduced)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Using latest UI Builder with the unpublished, hidden com.unity.ui.runtime package is not a supported situation for now. Please wait a bit for us to release the proper UI Toolkit (with Runtime) package.

    As a side note: If the problem also exists outside of the UI Builder - when running the UI at runtime in the Game view for example, we can keep an eye. If it's just the builder's preview of the theme that's broken, we will wait.

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