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8.2.0,8.1.0, 7.1.1

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[Ubuntu] [HDRP] Unable to render Game Window when creating a new project with HDRP

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


After creating an HDRP template project, the Game Window doesn't render anything and generate an error "OpenGLCore is not supported, no rendering will occur" when the OpenGL API is not added in the graphics API list (Only Vulkan is available) in the Player settings, Reter to the attached Screenshot

Steps to Repro:
1. Create a new project with the HDRP template.
2. Observe a Game Window

Actual Result:
Unable to render Game Window when creating a new project with HDRP

Expected Result:
No errors in the console and the Game window is rendered normally

Reproducible on:
2021.1.0a1,2020.2.0b8 with package version Version 8.1.0
2020.1.3f1 with package version Version 8.2.0
2020.1.0a13 with package version Version 7.1.1

Note: Unable to check below 2020.1.0a13 due to this issue

Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  1. Resolution Note:

    HDRP project no longer display incorrect unsupported API error message on Linux when only vulkan API is setup.

    Edit: What you're seeing is the expected behavior when Vulkan is not installed on Linux. The editor falls back directly to OpenGL which is always available for Editor and Player, but HDRP doesn't support OpenGL hence the error message.

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