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Fixed in 3.6.0-beta.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Typo in the error message when the Hub encounters a critical error

Package: Hub


How to reproduce:
1. Install Unity Hub in the default location
2. Create a new project on a BitLocker encrypted drive while it is unlocked
3. Close Unity and Unity Hub, and exit Unity Hub in the system tray. Verify
that Unity Hub is not running in Task Manager.
4. Lock the BitLocker encrypted drive, either by restarting the computer or
running the following command in an administrator command prompt:
manage-bde.exe -lock D:
(replace D: with your drive letter; if it's in use, adding -ForceDismount will
override that, but may cause problems with other applications using the
5. Attempt to launch Unity Hub
6. Observe the critical error

Expected result: The error says: "The Hub has encountered an..."
Actual result: The error says: "The Hub as encountered an..."

Reproducible with: 3.1.2

Reproducible on: Windows 10

Note: The steps are mostly taken from case HUBX-757

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