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Type mismatched reference value is not null when checked in Player



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ticket-1385501-type_mismatch“ project
2. Build And Run
3. Open Player.log and search “object is not null“

Expected result: the Player does not crash and the search returns 0 results
Actual result: the Player crashes and the search returns 1 result

Reproduced in: 2020.3.20f1, 2020.3.42f1, 2021.3.13f1, 2022.1.21f1, 2022.2.0b15, 2023.1.0a19
Not reproduced in: 2020.3.19f1

Reproduced using: Windows 11, macOS Monterey 12.0.1 (Intel)

Note: not reproduced in Editor / Play Mode

  1. Resolution Note:

    The repro case seem to contain a scene with an object whose meta file was removed, and thus the scene is corrupted. On the editor side we have a slightly different way of handling with "missing" type information to try to enable the user fix things. That explain the difference of behavior seen here.
    Unfortunately we can't do anything to fix the crash: the scene needs to be manually fixed by the user.

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