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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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"type is not a supported string value" error is thrown when removing an element from a serialized list



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ReproProject“ project
2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene“ scene
3. Select the “WordHandler“ GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Remove the first element from the “Parsed Word List“ by selecting it and pressing "-" in the Inspector window
5. Observe the Console window

Expected result: The element is removed from the list and no errors are thrown in the Console window
Actual result: The element is removed from the list and a “type is not a supported string value“ error is thrown in the Console window

Reproducible with: 2022.3.14f1, 2022.3.19f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.35f1, 2022.3.13f1, 2023.1.0a1, 2023.2.10f1, 2023.3.0b7

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro (22H2)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

1. After step 5, the list also has visual artifacts (element names become blank). Selecting any other GameObject in the Hierarchy window and selecting the “WordHandler“ GameObject again, the visual artifacts are gone (element names visible again)
2. This issue happens in Play Mode as well when removing an element with a script
3. Removing the last element in the list does not reproduce this issue

  1. Resolution Note:

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