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Fixed in 5.0.X



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Transition names are not informative enough



Transition names are not informative enough

2) How can we reproduce it using the example you attached
1. Make the following simple controller:
Add a state machine to the Base Layert: Machine1 add also a state: State1 (make it default state)
Add a state to the Machine1: State2
Add a state machine to the Machine1: Machine2
Add a state to the Machine2: State2

2. Make 2 transitions from the State1:
Transition1: to the State2 inside the Machine1
Transition2: to the State2 inside the Machine2 (inside Machine1)

3. Select the State1 and notice in the Inspector there ate two identical transitions. Users will be unable to tell which one is which. Including a hierarchy would be helpful here.

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