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Fixed in 4.6.X



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Issue ID




TouchInputModule behaves incorrectly



To reproduce:
1. Load the scene in /Scenes/KenoBasic
2. Observe I have 2 Input Modules attached to EventSystem, but only the Standalone Input Module is activated.
3. Run it. Mouse over a square, and then hold the mouse and move around the board. You will see that the blocks turn on and off without lifting the mouse. This can happen because I'm recieving mouse over and mouse out events from all the buttons (KenoSpot prefabs).
4. Stop the program, disable the Standalone Input Module and enable the Touch Input Module, and run the program again.
5. Try to do the same thing, and it won't work at all. The buttons do not recieve mouse over or mouse out events, except on the original button you held the mouse down on.

Comments (4)

  1. Zamanis

    Sep 28, 2014 11:54

    My bad work great!

  2. Zamanis

    Sep 27, 2014 12:26

    Hello, i checked if the issue is resovled in beta 19 and its not, can someone confirm?

  3. bererton

    Sep 12, 2014 22:12

    Looks like it was a bug, since it's now fixed. Now we just need to wait until 4.6 is released, or they release a new beta version.

  4. SomeAlexander

    Sep 04, 2014 07:25

    EventSystemManager.currentSystem.IsPointerOverEventSystemObject() works only in StandaloneInputModule with checked "AllowActivationOnMobileDevices" and TouchInputModule must be excepted. It's a bug or a feature?

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