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[TMP] Text is overlapped when pasted text's line breaks are deleted

Package: TextMeshPro


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached '' project
2. Open 'SampleScene' scene
3. Select Text (TMP) GameObject in the Hierarchy
4. Copy and paste some text to the TMP Text field in the Inspector
5. Delete line-breaks
6. Observe the text field in the Scene View

Expected result: Pasted text is not overlapped
Actual result: Pasted text is overlapped

Reproducible with: 2017.4.32f1, 2018.4.9f1, 2019.2.7f1(TMP 1.4.0, 2.0.1), 2019.3.0b4 (TMP 1.4.0, 2.0.1), 2020.1.0a5 (TMP 1.4.0, 2.0.1)

Note: TMP for 2017.4, 2018.4 downloaded from Asset Store

  1. Resolution Note:

    The reported behavior is by design.

    The original text contained both Carriage Return (CR) (\r) and Line Feed (LF) (\n). Deleting the LF leaves the CR in the text and as such since Carriage Return's function is to return the carriage to the start position of the line, the text is overwritten. Carriage Return does not add a new line.

    I realize that text containing control characters (which are not visible) makes it hard to understand / decipher these types of behavior. At some point I do plan to add a mode where these control characters will be visible in the Text Input Box which should help alleviate this type of confusion.

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