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The URP Light Objects are pink



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached repro-project from Google Drive
2. Select the Scene view
3. Observe the URP Light Objects

Expected result: the URP Light Objects have textures.
Actual result: the URP Light Objects have no texture (pink).

Reproducible with: 2021.2.0a4, 2021.3.13f1, 2022.1.21f1, 2022.2.0b14, 2023.1.0a17
Not reproducible with: 2020.3.41f1, 2021.2.0a3(URP Light Objects have a texture, other textures are missing)

Reproducible on: macOS 11.6.5 (Intel)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue is not reproducible. The reproduction project on the trunk is in a bad state, multiple APIs used by the project have recently been deprecated and resulted in C# errors. The material can be fixed by using the Render pipeline Converter window ( "Window" -> "General" -> "Render Pipeline Converter" and converting the materials in the project to URP). The "Light object" material issue is simply an issue caused by the corresponding custom material using the built-in standard shader (which is not compatible with URP).

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