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Won't Fix in 1.0.X



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Issue ID




The Spanish language is not converted from code to "Spanish" in Xcode with the localization package

Package: Localization


How to reproduce:
1. Open "Progetto" project
2. Go to Build Settings (File>Build Settings)
3. Build for the iOS
4. Open the project in Xcode
5. Go to Unity-iPhone>Info.plist
6. Expand the Localization tab

Expected result: Item 3 is "Spanish"
Actual result: Item 3 is "es"

Reproducible with: 1.0.0 (2019.4.32f1, 2020.3.20f1, 2021.1.28f1), 1.0.5 (2019.4.32f1, 2020.3.20f1, 2021.1.28f1, 2021.2.1f1, 2022.1.0a13)
Could not test with: 1.0.0-pre.10 (No Localization tab also error shows "Unknown managed type referenced: \[Unity.Localization] UnityEngine.Localization.SmartFormat.Extensions.PersistentVariablesSource")

  1. Resolution Note:

    This will not be fixed

  2. Resolution Note (1.0.X):

    This seems to be a limitation of xcode. The CFBundleLocalizations field has a very limited number of possible values according to the documentation here:
    If one of those values are used then the editor is able to show the language name in the Editor however this is purely cosmetic, it's still using the language codes in the actual file.

    According to the property list reference documentation for CFBundleLocalizations:
    Each entry in this property’s array is a string identifying the language name or ISO language designator of the supported localization.

    We use ISO language designators for our Locales and populate them into the config file, if the language happen to be one of the Possible Values then they will get a language name label, however when the editor is switched to show the raw values you can see that they are all using language codes.
    This does not prevent a built iOS app from having its supported languages correctly detected and you can see in the app settings that Spanish is displayed correctly.

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