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Under Consideration for 4.0.X, 5.1.X



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Issue ID




The Recorder skips unrendered frames making the footage record longer when "OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInterval" is used

Package: Recorder


How to reproduce:
1. Open the ““ project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. Open the Recorder Window
4. Add a “Movie“ Recorder
5. Set the Recording Mode to “Time Interval“ (from 0 to 4 seconds)
6. Set the “Target FPS“ to 30
7. Enable the “Exit Play Mode“ setting
8. Press the “START RECORDING“ button in the Recorder Window
9. Observe the finished recording

Expected result: The recording is 4 seconds long and the Cube GameObject moves from left to right only once
Actual results: In the recording the Cube GameObject moves from left to right 12 times over 4 seconds (or whatever the Frame Interval is set to in the “FrameRateTest” Script of the “Framerate” GameObject), or The Cube GameObject moves from left to right 1 time but the recording is 0.33 seconds long

Reproducible in: 4.0.0-pre.3 (2021.3.40f1), 4.0.3 (2022.3.36f1), 5.1.1 (6000.0.9f1)

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

- In versions 4.0.0-pre.4 and later the length of the recording is 4 seconds long, but it records 48 seconds (12*4) long Play Mode footage and skips unrendered frames (when the renderFrameInterval is set to 12)
- In versions 4.0.0-pre.3 and earlier it records 4 seconds of Play Mode footage but skips the unrendered frames making the video last 0.33 of a second (4/12) (when the renderFrameInterval is set to 12)
- This would be fixed if the unrendered frames or copies of the “current“ frame were included in the recording
- Variable and Constant Playback modes do not impact the result

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