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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




The number of Batches and Tris is higher than expected when using Application.targetFrameRate



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “Test3D” project
2. Open the “Test3D” scene
3. Open the Game View tab
4. Open the Statistics (Stats button)
5. In the Hierarchy, expand the “Main Camera” GameObject
6. Select the “Canvas” GameObject
7. In the Inspector, uncheck the “New Behavior Script” Component
8. Enter the Play Mode
9. Observe the number of Batches and Tris in the Statistics
10. Exit the Play Mode
11. In the Inspector, check the “New Behavior Script” Component
12. Repeat steps 8 and 9

Expected results: The number of Batches and Tris is similar with “New Behavior Script” Component applied
Actual results: The number of Batches and Tris is way higher with “New Behavior Script” Component applied

Reproducible with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.18f1, 2022.3.32f1, 6000.0.5f1
Not reproducible with: 2022.3.17f1

Reproducible on: Windows 10, macOS 14.4 (user’s)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Comments (1)

  1. TheFalconeerDev

    Jun 24, 2024 14:05

    yeh I have this , and tracked this to exactly 2021.3.35f. 2021.3.34f is fine, Everything new thatn 2021.3.34 is broken in this way.

    If you framestep you always get the first frame, ridiculously low tris and batches, then the next frame something normal-esque , the third frame is double or more of the tris or batches.

    I assume its some averaging not being calculated properly (to get a smooth value?)

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