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The Cube in the 3D Template Sample Scene does not animate, because it is set to static by default



Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project with the 3D template
2. In the "SampleScene" select the ExampleAssets -> Cube
3. Open Animation window and create any sort of animation for the cube
4. Press play

Expected: the cube moves according to the animation.
Actual: the cube does not move because it is set to static in the inspector.

Reproduced in: 2018.2.0a3, 2018.2.0a4, 2018.2.0a5

Note: The objects in the 3D template sample scene are introduced in 2018.2.0a3
This is a "Design Bug". There are no problems in the code,
but the choice of making the cube static by default leads to many users being confused as to why the cube does not move when animating.

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