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TextMeshPro package throws multiple Shader errors when importing TMP Essential Resources



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project with any template
2. Make sure the TextMeshPro package is added to the project (Window > Package Manager > Unity Registry > “TextMeshPro” > “Install”)
3. Import TMP Essential Resources (Window > TextMeshPro > TMP Essential Resources)
4. Observe the Console

Expected result: No errors are thrown
Actual result: Multiple “Shader error in …” errors are thrown

Reproduced with: 2021.3.33f1
Not reproduced with: 2022.3.14f1, 2023.2.3f1, 2023.3.0a17

Reproduced on: macOS 14.1.1 (Intel) (by reporter), Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

1. After importing TMP Essential Resources the errors can be ignored and Play Mode can be entered
2. In 2023.2 and 2023.3. streams the TextMeshPro package is no longer available as it was merged into the UGUI package
3. The regressed version is in the TextMeshPro package version → additional information is provided in internal comments

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