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Under Consideration for 1.4.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Test Runner Hangs - 11220 tests (Build Selected Stand Alone)

Package: Test-Framework


The easiest way to replicate the issue is:
* [clone the NGO repository (develop branch)|]
* Add the com.unity.netcode.gameobjects\testproject to your Unity Hub
* Open test project using 2022.3.13f1 (or higher)
* Open Test Runner and set the build to "Build Selected Tests"
* Navigate down to the Unity.Netcode.Runtime.Tests.dll
* Select a small subset of tests
** i.e. NetworkSpawnManagerTests works
* Hit the "Build Selected Tests" and target whatever folder you like
* Once the testrunner stand alone build has finished building run it

Then navigate to the Test Runner window opened and try to scroll or interact with it.

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