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Fixed in 2017.1.X



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Issue ID




Temporary texture is not rendered if camera.targetTexture value is not "null"



Reproduction steps:
1) In attached project, open Test scene;
2) Enter play mode;
3) Select 'Camera' object which is a child of 'Main Camera' in Hierarchy view;
4) Double click 'Render Texture' property in Inspector view;
5) Check the rendered image.

Expected results: the rendered image is supposed to have a cube image.
Actual results: the image is corrupted.

Reproduced on: 5.6.0a1, 5.6.0b5, 5.6.0b7.
Not reproduced on: 5.5.1p3, 5.5.0f3, 5.4.4p3.

Comments (1)

  1. nindim

    Mar 11, 2017 15:34

    What version is this fixed in? I need it to be fixed in the Unity 5.6 series.

    The FogBugz link seems to indicate this won't be the case with the fix going straight into unity 2017...

    We have Untiy 5 Pro licences and will be shipping with Unity 5.6.

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