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[MixedMode] Static object has dynamic and baked shadows at the same time

Global Illumination


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene "TestScene"
3. Select "Cube" in hierarchy and move it
4. Notice that it casts dynamic and baked shadows as if it was static and non-static at the same time

This state of the cube can be reached by:

1. Delete all the cubes in the scene
2. Create new cube
3. Duplicate cube and move it so that cubes wouldn't intersect
4. Select new cube and make it static
5. Bake shadows
6. Reopen scene, when asked to save changes - save
7. When scene is loaded, move duplicated cube and notice that it has dynamic shadows although it is marked as static

Note: if we mark original cube as static after duplicating it, then duplicate won't have dynamic shadows

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