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[SRP] VR + Lightweight Pipeline -- no non-VR cameras?
SRP Repo: Issue #1017
We're using the new Lightweight render pipeline (1.0.0-beta) on 2018.1.0b9.
Any camera in a VR scene that does not have "target eye: Both" set fails to render. Is this an intended feature/optimization, or is this a bug?
The camera generates a warning I'll paste here for posterity (zero hits on google):
Scriptable Render Pipeline stereo support requires single-pass stereo.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
If we call:
UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled = false;
cameras with "target eye: none (main display)" will start to render again (yay), but obviously turns off VR
at the same time (boo).
A lot of the VR-best-practices we've discovered in development of Fantastic Contraption involve drawing a different camera to the main monitor than what the VR player is actually seeing. This allows us to dampen movement and prevent spectators from getting sick, which is important for social games.
This bug/feature also prevents us from doing mixed-reality filming, setting up a "third person" camera elsewhere in the scene recording the player's avatar.
This bug/feature also prevents a second player from picking up a controller and playing a different game on the TV in a one-vr, one-not-vr co-op mode.
Is this something that can't/won't be fixed in the lightweight render pipeline? Should we revert back to standard? Or should we stick with it for now knowing it'll change in the future?
Or -- did we forget to tick a box somewhere that allows for non-VR cameras to be rendered at the same time as VR cameras?
(post originally from the unity forums)
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