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Sprite Shape end-caps height doesn't change when they protrude past path endpoints

Package: 2D Sprite Shape


How to reproduce it:
1. Open the attached project ''
2. Load 'Scene' scene from 'Assets' folder
3. Check the Spline end-caps edges at locations where GameObjects are "Height change is 0 Start" and "Height change is 0 End"

Expected result: Sprite Shape's end-caps height changes continuously
Actual result: At the Sprite Shape's endpoints height change rate becomes 0. End-caps height doesn't change when they protrude past path endpoints

Reproducible with: 3.0.14 (2019.4.12f), 4.1.4 (2020.1.8f1), 5.0.2 (2020.2.0b6)
Could not test with: 2018.4.27f1 and lower (due to errors while importing packages)

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is by design, Sprite Borders (End-Caps) do not use heights.

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