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Sprite Editor slice tool does not work on "Grid by cell size" and "Grid by cell count" types



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the project
2. Select "Chrset" from the assets folder
3. Press Sprite Editor in the Inspector window
4. Press slice
5. Select Type: Grid by cell size
6. Enter values: x=16, y=8

Expected: lines that represent slices appear in sprite editor. Pressing "Apply" divides sprites into slices.
Actual: no lines appear to represent the slices. Pressing "Apply" does not make slices.

Reproduced on: 5.5.0f3, 5.5.0p3
Not reproduced on: 5.4.4f1, 5.6.0b3

Comments (6)

  1. mcarthey

    Nov 24, 2021 03:29

    This issue is reported as "fixed" but it is still occurring on Version: 2020.3.22f1.1228. As reported by another, the white lines exist as if it were already sliced automatically, but changing to "Grid By Cell Size" does not display the expected red lines indicating the proposed slicing.

  2. MR4Y

    Apr 02, 2021 15:20

    In my case, this happens in 2020.3.2f1, except a white grid is created around every "cell". Once you click Apply, the editor churns for a few seconds, then nothing happens. You still have the same sprite sheet. If you open the sprite editor, the grid with cells is still there.

  3. dariow56

    Jun 19, 2020 05:55

    Same issue here, it doesn't work in 2019.4.0f1 (Manjaro, Gnome). when will you fix this error? or should I download an older version?

  4. antonioni_rocha

    Jun 10, 2020 03:43

    It doesn't work in 2019.4.0f1 (KDE Neon)! Is it a abandoned bug?

  5. maewionn

    Mar 03, 2018 13:05

    Same issue here. Come on, Unity! This was posted over a year ago and is still "in review"?

  6. TyStri-Vr

    Jun 23, 2017 22:26

    Same problem here. The slice too doesn't actually work all the time.
    I encounter the problem with larger files sizes.

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