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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Sprite edit (rename) is discarded without warning, in this workflow



In this specific workflow, I lose my name edit/change in a sprite because of not clicking Apply.
In all other variations of this workflow, I get a pop-up asking me if I want to apply the changes, or else lose them.
I should also get this pop-up in this workflow, to avoid losing work without knowing it.

-open Project
-open Sprite_Locomotion scene
-select “Hero” sprite sheet in Project
-open Sprite Editor (from Inspector)
-expand “Root”, then “Hips” GO in Hierarchy window
-select Hips GO in Hierarchy window
…notice that “Hips” sprite gets selected in Sprite Editor
-rename Hips sprite in Sprite Editor (ex: tomato), hit Enter… do not click Apply.
-now select any GO under Hips in the Hierarchy window…
note: I’m doing this because I want to rename my sprites based on their Hierarchy name, and selecting them in the Hierarchy window selects the corresponding sprite in my spritesheet, which is practical. The problem is that it doesn’t warn me about loosing my name change if I don’t apply in between each rename… it should.
result: no “Unapplied import settings” pop-up and rename of Hips sprite is discarded/lost (bug).
expected result: “Unapplied import settings” should pop-up with Apply/Revert buttons, exactly like when you click in any window other than Hierarchy.

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