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Soft particles rendering can break when an off-center projection matrix is used

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project from ""
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Observe the smoke particles that are occluded by the floor plane

Expected result: Smoke particles are rendered up front
Actual result: Smoke particles are occluded by the floor geometry

Reproducible with: 7.3.1 - 12.0.0 (2018.4.36f1, 2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.15f2, 2021.1.16f1, 2021.2.0b6, 2022.1.0a4)

-Disabling Soft Particles from the Output Particle Quad does fix the issue

  1. Resolution Note:

    When modifying the projectionMatrix manually, you need to also set the near and far clip plane so they match the matrix you provided. This has been added to the docs.

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