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[Shuriken] light prefab asset can't be located from asset finder in particle effects

Visual Effects - Legacy


[Shuriken] light prefab asset can't be located from asset finder in particle effects

Steps To Reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. In the Hierarchy view, select the +, then choose Lights > Point light
3. Drag Point light GO to project window to make a prefab
4. In the Hierarchy view, select the +, then choose Effects > Particle Effects
5. Select Particle Effects in the inspector to view it in the inspector
6. Enable the 'Light' section and click on the asset finder button

Expected Result:
Asset window appears empty

Observed Result:
Light prefab in the project window should be located

Reproducible On: 2020.1.a2, 2019.3.0b1, 2019.2.0f2, 2018.3.0f2

Occurs on Win and Mac

  1. Resolution Note:

    The reason we cannot find components on Prefab assets when searching is that we do not have this information without loading the prefab first. And we do NOT want to load all prefabs of a project when doing a search.. We simply do not have enough meta data about prefab for this kind of search.

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