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Shadows are visible through trees and leaves when Main Camera is in Deferred rendering path



Shadow casted by a Cube gameobject is visible through the tree and its leaves which both are in front of the shadow.

How to reproduce:
1. Open QA attached project
2. Observe shadow bug in Game and Scene views

Expected result: Shadow hides behind the tree and leaves
Actual result: Shadow is visible through the tree and leaves

Reproducible with: 2017.3.0a2, 2017.2.0b5, 2017.1.0p3, 5.6.3f1, 5.6.0f1 and 5.6.08b
Not reproducible with: 5.6.0b7, 5.6.0b5, 5.5.2f1
Regression since: 5.6.08b

Note: In 5.5.2f1 lighting needs to be baked for shadows to show up

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #907495

    Speedtree dont work with shadowmask in deferred

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